
Topic: 7 Crystal System

7 Crystal System

7 crystal systems

Note 1:There are 7 crystal systems on the basis of axis of symmetry.

Note 2: A. Bravais shows that all possible three dimensional space lattice are of fourteen distinct types. These fourteen lattice types are derived from seven crystal systems

1.Cubic System : a=b=c  and α = β = γ = 90°  Examples : NaCl, Zinc blende, Cu ,Diamond, Silver and Cesium chloride

2.Orthorhombic system: a≠b≠c  and α = β = γ = 90° . Examples :Di mercury dichloride, ammonium sulphate and Iodine.

3.Tetragonal system: a=b≠ c  and α = β = γ = 90° . Examples : Rutile TiO2 and lead tungstate.

4.Monoclinic system: a≠b≠c  and α = γ =90°β ≠ 120° . Examples :Potassium chloride and high temperature form of sulphur.

5.Rhombohedral system: >a=b=c  and α = β = γ ≠ 90° .Examples :Arsenic, antimony, bismuth and calcite.

6.Triclinic system: a ≠ b ≠ c  and α ≠ β ≠ γ ≠ 90° . Examples :Boric acid

7.Hexagonal system: a=b≠c  and α = β = 90°γ = 120° Examples :Graphite